
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Essay on Beneficial Impact of Art Education at Schools

Essay on Beneficial Impact of Art Education at Schools Art is a great instrument that opens new horizons of our perception. Various art writing researches help us outlive important things in our lives and see them more clearly. Some people believe that it has therapeutic effects, while others appreciate its educational potential. The example of Houston Elementary, a school where first-graders were encouraged to take part in a puppet-show, proves that art’s impact can be extremely powerful. The show featured a story about fish, big and small, and the main message was that big fish shouldn’t harm small fish just because it can. It is obvious that we teach our children that bullying is not good and they know that. However, do they really understand that? Do they include this idea in their lives as their own? Due to the practices of that kind, children have a chance to feel that they really are the participants of the story. They take part in it and think about it. In the end, they can formulate why bullying is bad and why people should avoid behavior like that. Houston schools do their best to use art practices of different kinds to help students with education. As it has been reported, learners benefit from such initiative in a number of ways, including communication with their peers, discipline, and scores on writing tasks. When students have access to such activities like dancing, acting, drawing, and singing, they improve their emotional state, as well as social and academic skills. This was proved by researchers of the University of Missouri Dan Bowen of Texas AM and Brian Kisida. The researchers announced their search for middle and elementary schools. An impressive number of educational institutions expressed interest in participation. However, most of these schools lacked full-time art teachers. Bowen and Kisida picked the schools randomly and invited about 5000 students to take part in the initiative. The chosen schools included outside-class hours to take children for field trips, cultural institutions and organize performances, where they could dance, sing, and act. Researchers offered surveys to children. The main themes were their aspirations to go to college, help other people, and learning. Also, they compared the academic results with the previous ones to see if there are any positive effects. The survey results were mostly positive, however, statistically insignificant. Kisida says that statistics are not very helpful here, because even if some students’ had lower grades for math or reading during the program, it doesn’t mean that additional art hours were harmful. Recently, more researchers were interested in this topic and launched similar projects at schools. It is said that museums, trips, and creative activity raises interest in culture, political tolerance, critical thinking, and even academic scores in various disciplines. Children from poor families rarely have an opportunity to join activities of that kind, therefore schools are responsible to help them, especially when they prove to bring educational benefits. Also, some studies show that extra art hours bring more benefits to particular groups of students and have a smaller impact on others. Teachers reported that struggling students who don’t have high academic results, become more engaged and obtain new ways of learning due to art practices. As a result, art classes to make a difference to them. What is more, the researchers mention that the best results were obtained at schools and classes that were enthusiastic about the idea itself. However, despite all the positive results that can be obtained with the help of such programs, schools have to come up with the ideas about how to organize art education. It is important for them to know how to prioritize additional activities, how to motivate students to take part in them, and how to track the results. In general, such initiatives make people aware that kids really can benefit from art education, both mentally and academically. Most of the researchers believe that having an opportunity like this is great support for students.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Roman Women1 essays

Roman Women1 essays The life of a Woman of Rome was filled with many traditions and rules, which were carried on generation after generation. Many say that Roman women were oppressed because they were not allowed to be an active part of society and politics. The book Roman Women by J.P.V.D. Balsdon gives, what I consider to be, an accurate and detailed account of a typical woman in Rome during the Roman Empire. Balsdon writes about the married women of Rome and the formidable ceremonies needed to perform a wedding. The children that soon came after marriage, which was in itself, another worry for women of the Roman culture. Rome also had its share, like most civilizations, of happy and unhappy marriages that women lived through. In addition, there were the less reputable women of Rome, the prostitutes and courtesans. And last, but not least, Balsdon gives a detailed account of a woman's daily life down to hairstyles, make-up, and jewelry. A woman's looks were very important in Rome. A woman revealed no more of her body than a nun does today. She usually wore the standard dress called a stola with light undergarments beneath this. It is a rather interesting fact that this style of dress did not change for three hundred years. Purple and gold, and a dark rose, scarlet, or amethyst were a few of the favored colors for the women of Rome. Women's hair arrangements often occupied a large portion of their time and were performed by a hairdresser. Younger women dressed their hair very simply by drawing it back into a knot at the back of the neck. Most hair was parted down the center and curled into waves, or styled with small ringlets. Make-up, an important part of a woman's beauty process, was only moderately applied unless the woman was a prostitute. Jewels, however, were sometimes lavishly applied. Opals, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds were popular among the wealthy women. The amount of jewelry a woman wore signified her husband's we...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 25

History - Essay Example In order to coordinate government efforts the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands ("Freedmens Bureau") was created on 4 March, 1865. The purpose of the new body was to help millions of just emancipated slaves with recourses and education means. The Bureau was responsible for distribution for food, fuel and clothing to impoverished freedmen and for supervision of â€Å"all the subjects relating to their condition† (Howard, 10) in former Confederation states. Nevertheless in spite of all its accomplishments, the Bureau is also notorious for its corruption and lack of efficiency. The agents often abused their authority to wring money out of those whom they were supposed to help. The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands existed officially for a year. Lacking both manpower and funding, affected by corruption it failed to complete what was a really tremendous task the Bureau nevertheless did really much to provide just emancipated former slaves with access to education, fair practices in labor and equal

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Selective Laser Melting of Iron Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Selective Laser Melting of Iron - Essay Example It is imperative to note that the carbon content of steel plays a critical role in determining processability of SLM. High carbon content also has adverse effect on high speed steel and SLM produced steel, since they portray a limited densification response. Wright et al. [2], in his research, found out that with increase in carbon contents, there is increase in the thickness of the carbon layer sifted on the melt surface. Just like the oxide layer, the carbon layer has a critical influence mostly on diminishing wettability and causing the melt to spheroidise rather than flow across the underlying surface. In addition to this, the brittleness of SLM manufactured high carbon content steel is increased by the formation of complex interfacial carbides at grain boundaries. Childs et al. [4], through his research, concluded that the dissolution of carbides is favored by increasing the heat flow in the treated powder. On the same breath, increasing heat flow homogenizes distribution of all oying elements. Thus, a thin powder layer thickness, which is less than 100mm, is more recommendable for laser melting. This is besides the optimization of laser types and parameters. Due to this reason, high volumetric energy density for both elemental homogeneity and powder consolidation is achieved [5-7]. In this process, heat generated from a CO2 laser is used to sinter systematic powder layers from 3D objects arranged layer by layer [8]. Due to this, the time required for tool making is considerably reduced. The basis of the sintering is the â€Å"liquid phase sintering mechanism.† The technique involves melting the powder partially. This is also termed as semisolid consolidation mechanism [9-10]. In this form of sintering, a minute amount of liquid phase (comprising between 1 - 10% by volume), with solubility for the solid considered to be at sintering temperature, is employed. When cooled, the liquid crystallize at

Monday, November 18, 2019

Graphic design and architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Graphic design and architecture - Essay Example Architecture and graphic design are fundamentally linked as communication tools, they may be coupled to create unique modern results, and the theory of design plays a role in cross-over of design elements between the two design disciplines. Architecture and graphic design are fundamentally applied forms of design, or those that work within a pragmatic framework and often designed for commercial applications (Andruchow). The two types of design share a fundamental goal: communication. Architectural design seeks to communicate to the viewer or occupant many different messages, ranging from practical issues such as how to navigate a building to more subjective areas, such as communicating the culture of the buildings intended occupants. Architecture used as a communication tool is particularly evident in modern constructions, such as the Prada building in New York, in which architecture is utilized to convey a brand image. The Prada building provides a unique example of the coupling of elements of graphic design with those of architectural design. The commonly accepted elements of design apply across the fields of design, and the Prada design leverages the elements of line, shape, texture, space, size, value, and color in both a three-dimensional architectural form and a two-dimensional juxtaposition of elements across the architectural form (Tuscaloosa K-12).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Salvador Dali and the Surrealist movement

Salvador Dali and the Surrealist movement Salvador Dali is perhaps one of the most recognized artists of the Surrealist movement. His art is mass produced in prints, and it is not a rare occasion to see them in homes of adults and on the walls of college students. His most famous work, The Persistence of Memory (1934), is taught in art classes to children as young as 7. Most of these people feel a connection with Dalis work and feel compelled to display these posters. It is safe to say, however, that few of these fans know anything about Surrealism, and the inspiration behind his most beloved works. The Surrealist movement evolved from the Dada movement of the 1920s. Its leader, Tristan Tzara, aimed to eliminate art because society created war and therefore does not deserve art. He instead aimed to shock the public through works of anti-art, which did not shock the public as intended, but was accepted by the art society. Dada embraced nihilism, a philosophy centered around nothing, meaning nothing, or anything. Dada rejected reason and logic while hating life. In William Bohns article From Surrealism to Surrealism: Apollinaire and Breton he states that Dada Was actually a protest movement, protesting bourgeoisie values in art and life(Surrealism, 198). Instead, Dada actually bridged art in life by displaying objects that allowed the viewer to realize that life is in fact art. In order to bridge life and art, Dada artists applied humor to art which provided a playfulness not reached by realism. Dadas aim was to juggle away, to parody, and to ridicule all accepted ideas, all forms of social activity (Surrealism, 199). Dada seems to have been a contradictory movement, one that produced wildly creative pieces, while discrediting creativity in theory. The constant contradictions of the movement could be why followers so readily embraced Surrealism, a movement which seemed to make more sense, but provided a smooth transition for even the most devoted Dadaists, such as Tristan Tzara, the movements leader. Surrealism, as defined by Anton Breton is Pure psychic automatism by which we propose to express either verbally or in writing or in some other manner- the true functioning of thought, in the absence of all control, excerased by reason, outside all aesthetic and moral preoccupations(The Surrealist Manifesto, Surrealism, 205). His definition of Surrealism as a philosophy is as follows, Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought. It tends to ruin once and for all other psychic mechanisms and to substitute itself for them in solving all the principal problems of life (The Surrealist Manifesto, Surrealism, 205). Anton Breton was the founding father of Surrealism. He introduced samples of his writings which were called automatic writing. This automatic writing is also known as free association writing in which the author begins to write whatever comes to mind in hopes of unlocking the unconscious mind. The point of unlocking the unconscious was to reveal truth in the art form. This form of Automatism was a underlying application in surrealistic art, be it visual or literary. Surrealism, therefore, was not restricted to visual art, but was also a popular movement among authors of the period. Surrealists were greatly influenced by the works of Freud, whose radical theories in psychoanalysis and the importance of the subconscious in regards to not only mental health, but to truth and life, would inspire artists and authors to unlock their own subconscious. Surrealists incorporated Freuds theory into their art work through the belief that dreams are as important, if not more so than reality. Therefore characteristics of Surrealist art include dream like images. Surrealism aimed to draw the eye to one object and then to distract it with another object. Surrealism called for a deliberate disorientation of the mind (Frey, 15). In doing so, the artists was able to create a dreamlike experience for the viewer. To the Surrealist, beauty was not the goal because beauty, while aesthetically pleasing, does not necessarily represent truth. As the movement gained momentum several visual artists and authors began to identify themselves as Surrealists. They embraced the the philosophy of Surrealism and applied to their respective art. Some of the most well known artists that joined the movement include: Paul and Gala Eluard, Pierre Naville, Max Ernst, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, and Yves Tanguy. Picasso is sometimes considered a follower of the movement, but overall his involvement was minimal. Perhaps the most recognizable name aligned with the Surrealist movement is Salvador Dali. Salvador Dali was born in 1904 in Figueres, which borders Catalonia, Spain. By the age of 12 he showed much promise as an artist. He attended drawing school at this age and fell in love with art. In 1922 he attended the Academy of Fine Arts, Madrid. As a youth at the academy he proclaimed himself an anarchist and was privy to rebellious activities. The many shenanigans he pulled were evidence to his desire for attention and his quest for fame. Such rebellion eventually got him kicked out of the academy. In response to his expulsion he continued his artwork, dabbling in Cubism and Purism. He eventually met Pablo Picasso, whose work he highly respected. Finally, he met Anton Breton, the leader of the Surrealist movement. He felt a draw to the philosophy of this movement and quickly joined forces with the other members of the movement. Dali used a method in his artwork called paranoiac critical method. He developed this method in 1929, the same year that he officially proclaimed himself a Surrealist. The paranoiac critical method was a self hypnosis which would allow him to hallucinate freely. Under this hypnotism he would create art that involved double images. These double images acted as an optical illusion. The viewer immediately would see one object, but given further review would notice a hidden image inside of the main object. Often, the hidden image would be erotic or create a feeling of discomfort for the audience. These images were also dreamlike, not only created in the subconscious of the painter, but unlocking the subconscious of the audience. About these double images Dali said, Such a representation of an object that is also, without the slightest physical or anatomical change, the representation of another entirely different object, the second representation being equally devoid of any deformation o r abnormally betraying the arrangement (Stinking Ass). Upon joining this Surrealists he met Gala Eluard who was ten years his senior. She is heralded as the muse of the Surrealist movement as she not only inspired Dali, but many other artists and authors of the movement. At the time of their meeting she was married to surrealist poet and friend of Dalis Paul Eluard. He immediately fell in love with her, and her love was reciprocated. Her husband Paul, Eluard, surprisingly did not object, he was intrigued by the intricacies of relationships, and therefore not too hurt by her choice to be with Dali. They moved in together and she became his muse, they married in 1934. She seized power over his career and aided in marketing not only his artwork but his persona. Without her, he may not have gained the notoriety that he had so craved since a young age. In 1931 Salvador Dali painted perhaps his most famous and recognizable piece, Persistence of Memory (1931). Regardless of his success, by the end of the 1930s the Surrealists were no longer champions of Dali or his artwork. He refused to take sides during the Spanish Civil War, which cost him life long friends. Anton Breton, who had once revered Dalis work, assigned him the derogatory nickname Avida Dollars which means eager for money. His greed, and hesitance in aligning with the Marxist revolution severed many ties between him and his colleagues. At the beginning of World War II Gala, and Salvador Dali moved to California, upon reflection of his Surrealist days he said this, Surrealism will at least have served to give experimental proof that total sterility and attempts at automatizations have gone too far and have led to a totalitarian system. Todays laziness and the total lack of technique have reached their paroxysm in the psychological signification of the current use of the college. Dali was nothing if not a master artist, and he displayed discontent for the current state of art. After 1949 he and his wife moved back to Catalonia where they would live the rest of their lives. Gala passed in 1982, with Salvador following in 1989. As previously stated, Dalis most recognizable and celebrate work is the Persistence of Memory painted in 1931. The canvas of this painting is quite small, measuring 24.1 cm X 33 cm, and it is currently housed in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, where it has hung since 1936. It has three soft watches that are placed on the landscape of Port Lligat. Port Lligat is a small village on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, in which Dali spent much of his life. He also included in this landscape and in many of his other works. The enormous cliffs in the background are evidence that it is in fact the cliffs of Port Lligat. The former curator of MOMA, James Thrall Soby, says of the painting the space is manipulated to suggest and infinity against which the drama of his objects and figures is projected (Clocking, 3). The telltale cliffs of Port Lligat constitute only a small portion of the painting. The majority of the space is dominated by the giant melting clocks. One clock is closed, and the other three are draped over a creature in the center, steps, and an olive tree. The eyes are first drawn to these clocks, and according to an analysis on salvadordalimuseum.org, the clocks clearly represent time, but create a dreamlike effect by bending the rules of reality, which is characteristic of Surrealism. Simon Wilson says of this painting, The theme of this truly bizarre and mysterious painting is mans obsession with the nature of time ( Clocking, 4). Dali, himself, remarked that Soft watches are nothing else than the tender, extravagant and solitary paranoiac-critical Camembert of space and time (Clocking, 12). The reference of Camembert may seem offhandedly strange, however this is a reference to the cheese that actually inspired the soft watches on the evening that he painted this picture. Although the main draw to the painting is the melting watches, there are other important symbols in the painting. The ants on the closed watches, the olive tree, the steps and the amorphous creature each have a special memory which contribute to the aesthetics of this painting. Upon further examination the creature in the center of the painting has eyelashes and a closed eye. The creature appears to be sleeping. This creature is actually a self portrait of Salvador Dali. It is a form that he has used in other paintings to represent himself. Upon further review, the viewer can make out the profile with a nose, and mouth. The next symbol in the painting is the olive tree in the upper left comer. The olive tree was a significant symbol for Dali. Olive trees symbolize peace, and olives were a major export of Catalonia. Later in life he even refereed to his wife Gala as his little olive. In this particular painting Dali has presented a dead olive tree. This dead tree may symbolize the inevitable death that time will bring. Death and decay is a common theme in this painting as Dali uses ants and flies to indicate decay. The Ants are on the closed watch in the bottom left of the painting. The final symbols to discuss in this painting are the steps. There is one step, prominent in the foreground on the left side. In the distance, along the horizon there is another step, on the edge of the water. These steps could possibly represent the Freudian explanation of steps and the act of going up and down them. Freud explains that steps in dreams represent sexual acts. It is unclear whether or not this what Dali intended to present, symbolically speaking, the use of steps is unclear. Twenty years after painting Persistence of Memory, Dali presented a new painting called Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory (1952). During the period between these two paintings Dalis life had greatly changed. He and Gala moved to the United States to flee the Spanish Civil War. While in California he worked with Disney and Alfred Hitchcock as a consultant for various films. His artwork was transformed after World War II. The scientific strides that had been made regarding the discovery of DNA and the advent of the atomic bomb influenced Dalis style. In 1948 Dali and Gala sought to move back to Spain. The new government was staunchly Roman Catholic and Dali had to prove that he had changed his ways and was now a pious Catholic. Ultimately he would call himself a nuclear mystisist. Nuclear mysticisms mixture of physics, math, science, religion, art history, and Spanish culture was to stress technique, rebirth, faith and tradition (Clocking, 17). Dali saw God in mathematical ratios and in atomic science. Dalà ­ wrote: In the surrealist period I wanted to create the iconography of the interior world-the world of the marvelous, of my father Freud. I succeeded in doing it. Today the exterior world-that of physics-has transcended the one of psychology. My father today is Dr. Heisenberg. (Clocking, 17). The Disintegration of Persistence of Memory is the same size as the original Persistence of Memory. Upon examining the painting the viewer will notice that the clocks are no longer the first thing the eye is drawn to. They are overshadowed by the mathemematical dissasembly of the steps, tree and painting overall. As the watches are less relevant, the them of time also become irrelevant to this particular painting. All things, the painting seems to be saying-even the persistence of memory-are overcome by, or incorporated into, one atomic reality (Clocking, 18). This painting, once resembled a still life, now seems to have a sense of movement to it. The swimming fish and even the disintegration of the steps and tree have movement that make the painting feel alive. The Disintegration of Persistence of Memory is housed at the Salvador Dali museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. In 2000 the two paintings were united in an exhibited where they were shown side by side, so that the viewer could see the difference in style and meaning behind each painting. The Dali museum in St. Petersburg, Florida was established March 7 of 1982 and is made up of works from the private collection of the Mr. and Mrs. Morse, who began collecting Dalis work in 1940. One of the most celebrated artists of the 1900s, Salvador Dali and his artwork remain ingrained in the minds of anyone who has so much as glanced at one of his pieces. He provided the art world with a zany character who was himself, a walking art form. Although his style evolved throughout his life, his most memorable period was that of his Surrealist paintings. His mastery allowed him to remain at the forefront of the artistic community, and evolve along with the tastes of his fans.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Serotonin & Depression :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Serotonin & Depression In the brainstem, the most primitive part of the brain, lie clusters of serotonin neurons. The nerve fiber terminals of the serotonergic neurons extend all throughout the central nervous system from the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord. This neurotransmitter is responsible for controlling fundamental physiological aspects of the body. In the central nervous system (CNS), serotonin has widespread and often profound implications, including a role in sleep, appetite, memory, learning, temperature regulation, mood, sexual behavior, cardiovascular function, muscle contraction, and endocrine regulation. Not only does this bioamine control physiological aspects of the body, but it also has an involvement in behaviors like eating, sleeping and aggression. Serotonin has been noted to produce an inhibitory effect on the nervous system that calms, soothes and generates feelings of general contentment and satiation. Not surprisingly, serotonin is implicated in a broad range of serotonin disorders like depression, schizophrenia, and Parkinson's disease (3).. Serotonin deficiencies have been one of the factors to blame for ailments such as anorexia, bulimia, obsessive compulsive disorders, migraines, social phobias and schizophrenia. (9). (12). I am not taking a stance that serotonin has its hand in all of these different pots, but after the research that I have completed for this paper, I feel comfortable talking about serotonin in reference to depression. No one can say for certain what exactly "causes" depression. But in this paper, I hope to give further insight into serotonin's specific role as a possible predeterminant for major depression and some hopes for those suffering from this illness. Approximately 5% of the United States' population experiences a depressive episode that requires psychopharmacological treatment; in any one year, 10-12 million Americans are affected by depression, with the condition twice as common in females than in males. It has been estimated that 15% of patients hospitalized for depression will commit suicide. These figures are incredible, so finding the root of the problem when it comes to depression is extremely important. "Alterations in serotonin metabolism may be an important factor in the etiology and treatment of depression." (7). Although historically depression has been considered a character condition, evidence has accumulated suggesting the role of a biological substrate, namely serotonin, in subgroups of depressed patients. This accumulated evidence supports the indoleamine hypothesis of depression, which suggests that major depression results from a deficiency of available serotonin or inefficient serotonin. (16). We see that depletions of serotonin from certain regions of the brain such as the hypothalamus, amygdala, and cortical areas involved in cognition and other high processes, can have a great impact in contributing to depression.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Footfall Management

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project title â€Å"foot fall in mall † has been accomplished by Mr. Niraj kumar, Mr. Sushil kumar, Mr. Nagender kumar, Ms Rajni, Ms. Neha Arora under my guidance and supervision. They have submitted in the partial fulfillment of requirement of PGDM from This DELHI SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH, DELHI work as not been submitted anywhere else for the award of degree. All source of information have been dully mentioned. (Ms. Noopur Aggarwal) SUPERVISIOR DELHI SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES AND RESEARCH, DELHI -110085 CONTENTS Chapter-1 Meaning Of Footfall ? Meaning of footfall ? Objectives of study ? Limitation to study Chapter-2 Techniques to measure footfall ? Camera traffing monitioring ? Electronic footfall monitioring ? Automated counting ? Manual counting Chapter -3 An Glimpseof Shoppers Stop ? Introduction of shoppers stop ? Features of shoppers stop(rajouri) ? Structure of mall ? Parking system ? Visitior’s information Chapter-4 Research Methodology ? Type of research ? Research approach ? Sampling design ? Collection of data Chapter-5 Finding And Conclusions Opinions Questionnaire References Chapter-1 FOOTFALL Defination-Objective Of Study,Limitation to Study Meaning of footfall Footfall, is a measurement of the number of people entering a shop or other public space. The number of people are visiting a shop or mall in a day,that much will be understood the footfall for that day. If 15000 people are visiting a mall in one week, it means footfall for the week is 15000 for the week. footfall is an important indicator of how successfully a company’s marketing,brand and format are bring people into its shop. In europeon culture footfall is known as padestrian counting. OBJECTIVE OF RESEARCH ON FOOTFALL ? To know the importance of footfall measurement in modern scenario This research study will help to throw light on importance of footfall measurement. To know the causes, organization’s interest in knowing the footfall ? To know the impact on marketing initiatives Footfall affect the a marketing head to decide some new events should be organized or not. The effect of footfall effect a manager to what extent ? To know how we can understand customer behavior pattern Footfall is really a measureable scale in understanding the behavior of customer. This study will tell us. ? To know how footfall effect on decision of heads of mall Limitations to study †¢ No leave is provided to visit the mall. All the data collection, survey are done during our study. †¢ Without having Identity cards it was very difficult to contact with any superior authority †¢ Manager were not ready to tell about the security aids and system. †¢ They feared their ideas will be copied by other competitor. ADVANTAGES OF MEASURING FOOTFALL FOR A MALL ? Provide an indication of customer behaviour patterns ? Assess the impact of marketing initiatives Tailor staff levels according to customer demand, rather than to service supply. ? Empower businesses to better target their marketing efforts ? To check the efficiency of staff Chapter-2 Techniques to measure footfall 1. CAMERA TRAFFING MONITORING The cameras do the traffic monitoring themselves; it isn't a question of simply recording video footage and manual operators counting the numbers of pe ople! The cameras are able to count people by making comparisons between a discreet image that changes rapidly over time, and the stationary background. The camera technology is state-of-the-art, with ongoing research investigating ways of programming the cameras to take the analysis a level further and distinguish between adults and children, and even make confident distinctions between people and supermarket trolleys. 2. Electronic footfall monitoring: Advances in electronics have added sophisticated footfall monitoring to retailers' information weaponry. Many retailers are reported to be experimenting with this new technology, but limited discussion exists in the public domain on its potential role or retailer experiences. 3. Automated Counting Automated counting is done through some censurey aids invented by advance technology. [pic] [pic] Many types of automated counting ? Hydro acoustic tubes ? Pneumatic tubes ? Inductive loops ? Acoustic slab sensors ? Passive infrared censors ? Active infrared censors 4. counting manually a person enters in a mall he finds a durwan/guard at standing at gate, he not only greets him but he will be counting the no. of person entering in mall by a handful size instrument. Chapter-3 Introduction of Shoppers stop ltd. [pic] Eros Mall, Plot No. 10, Shivaji Palace, District Center, Raja Garden, Rajouri New Delhi,   Delhi 110027 Phone: 011 – 4505 5400 / 25444101 INTRODUCTION OF SHOPPERS STOP Shopper’s stop has been a pioneer in the departmental store format since it’s beginning in 1991. Shoppers stop is launched as a men’s ready-to-wear garment store in Andheri, Mumbai. shoppers stop is the part of K. Raheja corp. it’s CEO is Govind Shrikhande and managing director is B. S. Nagesh. it has large chain of 28 departmental store around country. shoppers sop rajouri is the 25th store of chain. Shoppers stop are the first global style retailer in India with a wide range of merchandise. Exclusive Shop counters of international brands and world class customer service. In our Endeavour to retain our positioning as a global retailer we sought to bring the best retail technology, retail practices and sales to india. Features of shoppers stop (Rajouri). ? Shoppers stop rajouri is the biggest departmental stores of india. ? It has 1. 35 lakh sq ft retail area ? It Houses an overwhelming range of premium international and national brands. ? It is a four storey mall ? World class ambiance and cleanness ? Great services to customers through customer service desk or first citizen desk ? Water dispenser were available on every floor ? Four fire exits ? Two washrooms at every floor Sitting arrangement and journals, newspaper are kept beside sofas ? Gift wrapping and alteration. Structure Of Mall ? Ground floor DEPARTMENT NAME : JEWELERY OR SUNGLASS ? Javeri pearls, damas, haute curry, fastrack DEPARTMENT NAME : COSMETIC ? Ponds, lakme, lorell, clearance Brio Leathers ? FIRST FLOOR DEPARTMENT NAME : LADIES ETHENIC †¢ Kashish, Kashish gold, Biba, satyapau l, ritu wear, W, Diy, DEPARTMENT NAME : LINGERIE †¢ Lovable,b’witch, Department name : Men’s formal †¢ Austin reed,blackberry Provoke,wills lifestyle,van hussen,gaps,color plus,satyapaul,arrow,Louis phillip,tommy Hilfiger,FCUK DEPARTMENT NAME : Kids †¢ Mothercare,pumpkin patch,united colour of Benetton, giny jony, ruff,zapp,Lilliput,Barbie,toys DEPARTMENT NAME : Ladies western †¢ Wills lifestyle,noi,zipsy,ven hussen, Indian terren, Austin reed,blackberry,remanika DEPARTMENT NAME : Mens casual †¢ Spyker,I jeans, levi, pepe,calvin clein,esprit,united color of Benetton, push and shove 3rd Floor DEPARTMENT NAME : Home section †¢ Masphar,portico DEPARTMENT NAME : Sports wear †¢ Mysha,royal sporting house, adidas, nike, reepok,puma, †¢ Luggage section 4TH FLOOR †¢ Desi cafe, food factory, moti mahal, PARKING SYSTEM Double storey basement parking is the special attribute of shoppers stop. 200 cars can parked easily in parking. direct lift service from parking to main floors. free parking for first citizen of shoppers stop. two- way enterance and exit, valley parking is also available here VISITOR’S INFORMATION Shoppers stop(rajouri) is situated in heart of city at rajaouri Garden in Eros mall in delhi beside the ring road. a visitor can reach to place by bus and metro. Rajouri metro station is attire of shopper stop. It is 22 k. m from international airport and 18 k. m. from domestic airport. This place has many competetant in area like Westside,tdi mall,citisqure mall,west gate,paragon mall . TECHNIQUES TO MEASURE FOOTFALL AT STORE Store is using the manual counting system to count the footfall. When person enters in the mall the guard at the gate he presses the button of handful machine in his hand. This help to store manager to know the footfall in the store through this data. Floor foot fall is also measured in the same way,to know the floor footfall measurement. The guards standing over there they feed the no. Of persons visiting on the floor in machine. Chapter-4 Research Methodology Types of research Analytical research:- during all the study, by the available information researcher tries to find out effects on human behavior during any special occasions. Conceptual research:- study reveals the idea that durig Sales period or festive seasons or any special event has increased the footfall up to 100% . so, a retailer should be ready with innovative ideas to attract customer. Research Approaches Quantitative approach:- during study selected executive and managers were contacted to know their view on footfall measurement. By the data cikkectuib study, it infers the rrelation between population and their behavior. Sampling design Systematic sampling :- in study, people were selected randomly and asked question and their views Collection of data Primary data:- Many Sr. managers and dept. managers are contacted through questionnaire and their views are included in study. Secondary data:- books, journals and internet gave sufficient way to solve the problem. Collection of data through questionnaires:- the questionnaire was made according the problems which arise during the study. What is the impact of footfall on decision making, how is it important to decide future plans of organizations. The head executive and sales executive were asked to fill this questionnaire. Chapter-5 FINDING AND CONCLUSIONS Finding After completing the research it is found that in festive seasons or sales time mall are getting the increased no. of customer in their outlets or malls. Footfall helps a organization to decide that how many employee should be continued in the oultlet on some day. footfall shows the efficiency of a sales executive comes out by the help of footfall. Conclusions:- It is really very helpful tool to know the firm about their state and way of progress Opinions The best department manager in chain of shoppers stop awarded Miss Anuradha Sharma tells that during sales period the footfall increases upto 100 % and various activities in store attracts 20% extra customer to their shop. She tells the manual technique of footfall is used in measurement of footfall in the store. She also agrees that the facts of footfall are great helpful to better target their market efforts. Department manager of home section in shoppers stop rajouri Mr. chander verma, says†sales period are obiviously increasing the no. customer in double fold†. Last festive season their department has achived more than 50%. He confirmed that manual technique of footfall is used in footfall. His opinion about footfall, he thinks’these really help us to forecast the no. of visiotor to our shop. Sales executive of â€Å"w† brand in city square mall Mr. Rajesh tells he finds the no. of visitors to their outlet goes up by 100% during sales. he also agrees that festive season they get a good business and their sales increases upto 50% Delhi school of professional studies and research INSTITUTIONAL AREA ,ROHINI SECT-25 DELHI-110085 Name _____________________________________________ Post _______________________________________________ Name of organization__________________________________ What is the % increase in number of customer during sales period. A. 10 -25 B. 25-50 C. 50-75 D. 75-100 Increase in number of customer during any special events A. Doesn’t affect B. Upto 20% C. 30-50% D. 50-100% E. More than 100% Which technique is used to measure footfall in you mall? A. CAMERA TRAFFING MONITORING B. Electronic footfall monitoring: C. Automated Counting D. counting manually does footfall helps to better target their market efforts A. yes B. no signature

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Gender

Gender An in Depth Analysis of Gender Relationships Throughout history and in all cultures the roles of males and females vary. Relating to the piece of literature "Girl" written by Jamaica Kincaid for the time, women's roles were to work in the home. At the time that this work was written, women mainly stayed at home and did housework while few of the very poorest households required the woman to work in an industrial job. Kincaid wrote of the specific roles and responsibilities that a mother would tell her daughter. By what she wrote, one can fully understand what was expected of a woman at that time and in that particular culture. By understanding the culture in which this piece of literature is written, the gender roles, the rules of behavior for a woman and the relationships between genders can be realized. The general myth about women and their gender role in the American society is that the mother works in the home and supports her man in every way. In the literary work "Girl", Kincaid shows clearly that the woman's role in this work was to serve the family and to work mainly in the house. The mother writing this story tells her daughter that "this is how you iron your father's khaki shirt so that it doesn't have a crease" (Kincaid 412). By her ironing his khaki shirt, he is better prepared for work to support his family. Today's society does not always provide these clear roles since many women work a full time job and the house chores are a responsibility for both to handle, though the woman is still mainly held responsible for the home. There should be a constant search for equality in gender roles. Kincaid explains how the man is working to bring home the money and the wife supports his work. Though men and women are supposedly equal, the roles they must play in a particular relationship may be unequal. The conflict that will be revealed in the future is the desire to have the status that ... Free Essays on Gender Free Essays on Gender It’s Up to Me I have always been friends with boys, so we always did what boys would do. We would play basketball or football, watch boys cartoons such as The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or anything else that boys were always doing at a young age. But that is where the difficult point is in trying to figure out how I was gendered. I never wanted to play with girls toys or do anything that the girls did when I was younger, I pretty much chose to do everything that boys do. From the earliest days that I can remember, my best friend Danny was always around. We were basically best friends since birth, well, maybe just my birth, he was two years older than me. We did everything and nothing together. We would play sports watch television and movies, and play video games together. Even when we were doing nothing, we were doing it together. Every night, we would walk down the block to Blockbuster. It didn’t matter what my sister or his sister wanted to watch, we had to rent some sort of action movie. After every movie, we had to go and â€Å"play fight,† which was always known in my head as â€Å"Danny’s time to kick my ass.† He was two years older than me, and twice my weight, so it was pretty much a given. Even though I would get beaten up all the time, I still had fun, it’s what I wanted to do. When I wasn’t getting beat up, I was getting beat at a game of basketball, but I loved the sport and always wanted to play anyway. It was the best thing for me, because Danny was way too good so every time I played against him I got better, so at school I beat everyone like nothing. Any time my parents came home with new toys for me to play with, they were always toys that were made for boys. It’s not that they tried to force them on me, because everything that they bought me was something that I wanted. The only times that anyone would see me playing with girls toys was taking my sister’s Barbie corvette and dri... Free Essays on Gender The Truth about Masculinity and Society’s Hindrance In this day and age one would think that the flaws of society 100 years ago wouldn’t be prevalent today. Unfortunately according to William Pollack this isn’t true, and actually he seems to be quite correct in his assumption. Boys are not shown the appropriate attention too the correct problems in society today. This failure is apparent in school, home, work and just about everyday in daily activities. Males are seldom advised to show their emotions and weakness in any way, or they are automatically seen as an outcast of some sort. Or even worse if they do show emotions they are labeled as gay, and this carries a type of negative connotation in society today that it shouldn’t. This problem is actually getting to the point that it is affecting the overall out come of academic performance in boys. Also there is a gender gap between the negative attentions that is displayed to boys as apposed to girls. When it may be something that isn’t right on the exterior of the situation and could easily be understood within a few questions. This makes the girls in class twice as likely to be more confident in what they want to do later in life, and as a future. Society has changed its view on the place of a woman, and has allowed woman to move up the corporate ladder so to speak. The problem here is that it hasn’t changed its view and place of the male. The male is still expected to keep in all of his emotions and this isn’t healthy. It isn’t healthy for the individual and also for the people that interact with him. This problem starts very early in the home and with the mother not dealing with the emotions of the boy, instead she is telling him not too cry and acting like a girl. This displays the female as a weak and vulnerable creature and the male is supposed to distinguish its difference by this. This mask of masculinity seems to be worn so well even ... Free Essays on Gender Children learn gender roles In reading Katha Pollitt’s â€Å"Why Boy’s Don’t Play with Dolls† it showed how she has seen gender roles in her life. Her essay brings up many good points that need to be addressed in the future, but I believe you can only take one step at a time. I think that there are still gender roles today, but that they are becoming more insignificant. I believe most gender roles are learned by children from their parents and in the school systems. Children learn at a very early age what it means to be a boy or girl in our society. With all the gender stereotypes and biases, it is no wonder that sex segregation exists. During childhood, children are exposed to many factors that influence their attitudes and behaviors regarding gender roles. These attitudes are learned in the home, in schools, and even at the playground where children play among their peers. From the time they are born, children have already been assigned a gender. Blue blankets are used for baby boys, and pink ones for girls. It is difficult for a child to grow up without experiencing some form of gender bias or stereotyping. When in school, many of their ideas and beliefs are reinforced by their friends, teachers, and other adults. For example, when teachers ask their students to form two lines, there is usually one line for boys and the other for girls. When children play, they avoid playing with the opposite sex because they prefer the company of "their own kind." The result is a self-imposed segregation between boys and girls. Research has been done on this phenomenon. Many sociologists have been trying to explain gender roles and differences. Some say sex differences are biologically determined and some believe they are socially constructed. Children behave according to their assigned gender roles as early as two or three years old. From preschool on up to middle school, children live in two separate worlds girls and boys. Inside the cl... Free Essays on Gender Gender An in Depth Analysis of Gender Relationships Throughout history and in all cultures the roles of males and females vary. Relating to the piece of literature "Girl" written by Jamaica Kincaid for the time, women's roles were to work in the home. At the time that this work was written, women mainly stayed at home and did housework while few of the very poorest households required the woman to work in an industrial job. Kincaid wrote of the specific roles and responsibilities that a mother would tell her daughter. By what she wrote, one can fully understand what was expected of a woman at that time and in that particular culture. By understanding the culture in which this piece of literature is written, the gender roles, the rules of behavior for a woman and the relationships between genders can be realized. The general myth about women and their gender role in the American society is that the mother works in the home and supports her man in every way. In the literary work "Girl", Kincaid shows clearly that the woman's role in this work was to serve the family and to work mainly in the house. The mother writing this story tells her daughter that "this is how you iron your father's khaki shirt so that it doesn't have a crease" (Kincaid 412). By her ironing his khaki shirt, he is better prepared for work to support his family. Today's society does not always provide these clear roles since many women work a full time job and the house chores are a responsibility for both to handle, though the woman is still mainly held responsible for the home. There should be a constant search for equality in gender roles. Kincaid explains how the man is working to bring home the money and the wife supports his work. Though men and women are supposedly equal, the roles they must play in a particular relationship may be unequal. The conflict that will be revealed in the future is the desire to have the status that ... Free Essays on Gender Gender and Informal Social Control Pt. I Starting at birth children are instantly assigned a gender. Childhood is the most influential time for children to learn the factors, which teach them attitudes and behaviors regarding gender roles. These ideas are reinforced through parents, teachers, peers, and even media. Sociologists have been trying to explain gender roles and differences only to find an argument of wether sex differences are biologically determined or a result of informal social construction. Traditionally, gender has been used primarily to refer to the categories of masculine, feminine, and neuter. This usage is supported by the practice of many who reserve sex for reference to biological categories, while using gender to refer to social or cultural categories. Gender is based upon the way one is treated, looked upon by others, and the way one presents themselves to others. People attempt to classify gender by observing an individual’s sex, however, usually end up classifying a person by the way the person presents themself. Gender can’t be equated with biological and physiological differences between males and females. The building blocks of gender are socially constructed statuses. Gender roles are taught to children at a very early age to unconsciously comply to their assigned roles. Activities, games, media, and feedback from adults expose children to the process of gender role socialization. A sense of â€Å"self† is a direct correlation to the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes that the child is exposed to. Gender is developed through informal social controls. Sex is classified as either of two categories, male or female, based upon the reproductive organs and their functions. Sex is a biological and physiological classification of organisms. Society expects that a person’s sex should correspond with their gender. Sex is an ascribed status. The genitalia one is born with is a de...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Why must thrombolytic therapy be initiated immediately upon essays

Why must thrombolytic therapy be initiated immediately upon essays Why must thrombolytic therapy be initiated immediately upon onset of ischemic stroke? In Canada a stroke occurs every ten minutes, it is the fourth leading cause of death and is the number one cause of long-term disability. Canadians spend a total of 3 million days in hospital because of stroke costing the Canadian economy $2.7 billion a year, with the average acute care stay costing approximately $27,500 per stroke (Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2002). Currently there are 350,000 Canadians living with the effects of stroke with 50,000 new strokes occurring every year and the incidence is increasing as Canadians age. Of every 100 people experiencing a stroke in Canada, 10 are so severely disabled they require long-term care, 40 are left with moderate to severe impairment or disability, 25 will have minor impairment or disability, 10 will completely recover and 15 will die. Fewer than 50% of stroke patients ever return to work (Canadian Stroke Network, 2004). This paper will use the pathopysiology concepts of ischemic stroke to answer this question: Why must thrombolytic therapy be initiated immediately upon onset of ischemic stroke? This is a very clinically important question because early identification of stroke is the single most important tool in the reduction of disability. The largest barrier to patients receiving thrombolytic therapy is the failure to identify signs and symptoms and seek immediate treatment. A recent study found only 5% of patients experiencing stroke symptoms sought medical attention within the three-hour time window. Patients delayed seeking treatment because symptoms were not recognized, the patient and family waited for symptoms to go away, and the patient and family believed nothing could be done, or that it was not an emergency. These findings indicate the need to educate the community about stroke risk factors, signs and symptoms, and the appropriate response (Kongable, 1997). W...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Victim Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Victim Interview - Essay Example The organization formulates policies and standards as well as provides training programs in order to encourage employers to offer effective working environments to their employees. However, the issue of health and safety in the working environment has not yet been fully achieved because many workers lack access to effective occupational health services. The interviewer is a victim of an occupational injury that has caused him to be absent at work for one week. The victim was employed last year in one of the manufacturing companies, and he has been working as an engineer. The victim was handling machines at the workplace when the accident happened. The victim reported in the morning at the 8.a.m. and started working in the engineering department with other engineers. The victim was working under pressure from the supervisor in order to finish repairing the machine since it affected the company. The company wanted the engineer to repair the machine in time to avoid causing inconveniences in terms of the organizational performance. However, the victim suddenly burnt his left hand after an hour of working because of the overheated machinery. The machine was too hot; unfortunately, the victim slipped and burnt his left arm. This is because he was working without using protective clothes such as gloves, helmets and other necessary protec tive garments for injuries. The victim revealed that many workers working in the industry including him does not have protective working clothes. The company reassured employees to be careful when they are working to avoid injuries, but they have never taken any steps of providing protective attires. The accident took place in the morning on 12th, November of this year. The victim burnt his left arm and sustained serious injury; thus, he immediately started bleeding heavily. However, the wound was treated, but it left him with a big scar. The victim spent for about two weeks in the hospital nursing the wound. The victim

Friday, November 1, 2019

Quality of service for VoIP Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Quality of service for VoIP - Dissertation Example Converged networks also allow a latest generation of incorporated voice/data applications. For instance, users of web-based e-commerce applications can sight product information as talking with customer service agents in a call center. by join networks this can be done throughout a single network link. The focal point of the majority converged network strategies is voice over IP (VoIP). VoIP refers to the transmission of telephone discussion over a packet-switched IP network. This IP network might be as small as a single subnet private LAN, or as huge as the public Internet. As VoIP technology matures, new exchange technique may appear while offered ones become outdated. In spite of the process that is used to adapt VoIP traffic for LANs, one basic process will linger the same: VoIP traffic will forever negotiate the LAN as a stream of IP packets (W.C. Hardy, 2001). Voice over IP the broadcast of voice over packet-switched IP networks is one of the mainly significant up-and-coming tr ends in telecommunications. As with lots of new technologies, VOIP introduces together security risks and opportunities. VOIP has a extremely dissimilar architecture than established circuit-based telephony, and these differences effect in important security issues. Lower cost and better elasticity are between the promises of VOIP for the venture, but VOIP should not be installed devoid of cautious deliberation of the security troubles introduced (W.C. Hardy, 2003). Many administrators may incorrectly presume that since digitized voice travels in packets, they can just plug VOIP components into their already protected networks and stay secure.